Diaz, looking fabulous in a short, body-skimming coral-toned dress and high black pumps, also happily greeted the film’s other co-stars, Lake Bell, Dennis Farina, Treat Williams and Rob Corddry, with big hugs and kisses. Kutcher, who apparently left wife Demi Moore at home with the kids, looked sharp, too, in a dark plaid jacket and slacks.
But despite the fact that Ashton did not bring his wife along to the premiere of the romantic comedy about a couple that marries in Vegas the night they meet, then immediately regrets it, he made it clear to reporters at an earlier press day to promote the film that in his personal life, he has no such regrets.
"I never thought in my life I would get married," the 30-year-old admitted. "I watched my parents go through a divorce and I thought ‘This is just not what people are supposed to do.'"